Leave a legacy gift
Leaving a legacy gift allows your generosity to extend beyond your lifetime. A legacy gift makes a lasting impact on the causes you care about most. When you include the Rideau Hall Foundation in your estate plans, you make a commitment to creating a better Canada for generations to come. There are many ways to leave a legacy gift:
Bequest in Your Will:
Leaving a legacy gift allows your generosity to extend beyond your lifetime. A legacy gift makes a lasting impact on the causes you care about most. When you include the Rideau Hall Foundation in your estate plans, you make a commitment to creating a better Canada for generations to come. There are many ways to leave a legacy gift:
Life Insurance Policy:
Designate the Rideau Hall Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. This is a simple way to make a substantial future gift without affecting your current financial situation.
Retirement Plan Assets:
Contribute part of your retirement plan assets to the Rideau Hall Foundation. It’s a tax-efficient way to make a significant impact.
Charitable Gift Annuities:
Establish a charitable gift annuity with the Rideau Hall Foundation, ensuring you receive a steady income stream for life while making a significant contribution to our work.
Sample language for including the Rideau Hall Foundation in your will might include:
“I give, devise and bequeath to the Rideau Hall Foundation, a Canadian charity with Registration # 848037248RR0001, the whole of (or % share of) the residue of my estate to [program name].”
Give a gift of securities
We believe in creating a brighter future for Canadians. Did you know that donating securities can be one of the most tax-effective ways to make a charitable contribution? By choosing to donate stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, you are not only supporting our vital, nation-building work, but also maximizing your financial benefits. You will receive a tax receipt for the full market value of the securities at the closing trading price on the day they are received.
Consider giving a gift of securities by donating stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or ETFs. You’ll find our securities gift form here.
You can give now, or as part of your estate and Will planning.
Ready to make a lasting impact by leaving a legacy gift or a gift of securities? Contact:

Charles McCulloch, Director, National Philanthropy and Partnerships
P: 613-227-2758